Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Oblivous to the hardships people go through

After having a stream of thoughts about life and its deeper meaning I finally decided to make a blog and put my thoughts out there...

Has anyone ever looked around and just thought about a person and his/her life? Though some people may be happy and live an enjoyable life, others for the most part don't.  We complain about the Mexicans and illegal immigrants that come over to the US and take jobs away from us or ruin our economy, but what I look at most is their mentality and their situations.  Have you ever stopped and thought how hard it must be for people, not just immigrants, in general to do something they don't like? the sweat and tears they go through each time they do something that might be painstaking and backbreaking and yet they suck it up and do it because they have an obligation to their family.  They do it so that they can provide for them and just put that little piece of bread on the table each night. 

I remember my father having to endure so much to make ends meat until he was blessed with an amazing job before he passed away, but until then, he got up every morning to give us something he hoped would better his children's lives.  The only days my father took off were Sundays and Holidays, and I'm talking about Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter, but other than that he was working.  When he finally got off of work he would work around the house constantly fixing things or improving on them.  Ignorant as I was, I helped him whenever I felt like it, but never understood all his hard work and that he did it out of love.  Now...and only now can I think back and feel such sorrow and blessed for all his hard work that he did out of love, for me...for my siblings, and he was happy to do it, so that one day we wouldn't have to.  Unfortunately he wasn't and still isn't the only one that endures it, some put on a smile for their family to reassure them that everything is OK so that they don't worry about them, while of course others don't put on that happy smile and take up bad habits and have the opposite affect.

I am fortunate to actually have a decision where I can either quit the job I hate or stay there, which ever the case may be, I have a choice, but I truly feel sorry and respect the ones that suck it up and do what it takes to have something they can't live without.

Next time you look at someone just think about them as an individual and what they are willing to do for either their loved ones, or just to better themselves so that they can reach a goal they set out.  After sometime you'll end up seeing that at times we are all in the same place and aren't so different.

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